Wednesday, February 25, 2004

I love my ice pack
Ahhh first good sleep in ages last night. Although R.E.M was still marred by moments of shoulder(s) agony. Was so pissed off at one stage that I flung my right arm in the air and my ice pack flew across the room. Well I had a bit of a chuckle to myself. So much anger only to be placated by an ice pack.

Last coupla weeks of summer and we are stuck with this miserable, sucky weather. Only good thing is that my shoulders don't hurt as much in the cold. If the whole world could be an ice pack ... but I am adverse to the cold so maybe not such a good idea.

Was just telling someone that I subconsciously allocate certain people to this one group. I know its bad to blatantly discriminate in this fashion but there is something about this "group" that is SOOOOO endearing. They truly do get me going.

Yessssss finally got Telstra cable.
Goodbye dialup, I will miss your promises of 56K but will gladly settle for 100Mps

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