Sunday, February 29, 2004

Apparently I love my ice pack too much (cf. blog entry on 25/02/2004). In fact, we have been getting so acquainted with each other that Elliot (the ice pack) has left a permanent bite mark on my shoulder. Yes - I am suffering from frost bite!
I've been told it resembles a hickey.

Was able to be out in the sun for the first time in what seems to be ages. You really tend to forget how satisfying and gorgeous sunlight is ... will miss it so much when autumn/winter skips along.
Speaking of 'forgetting', bumped into quite a few people on Saturday night that brought back a couple of FLASHES from the PAST.
It's weird how so many things are different, but yet still the same when it boils down to it. Sometimes I wonder whether I have changed/developed, or whether I have stayed the same spedish self.

Clip of the Week and more to come in the ensuing weeks (some are fully classic but have to get permission from the likes of Rebecca, Sharlene and Tracey first).
NB: Might be easier to "save target as" in this instance.

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