Monday, August 02, 2004

Fat cells are not working!

I have been living voluntarily in solitary confinement (ridiculous as it may seem) for the past 5 days. Tomorrow will be the first day I get to interact with humans! I sound like Sunny from I-Robot (although I haven't seen the movie but I was never a fan of Asimov - don't hurt me Dr Goh). The excitement would be entirely warranted if only the purpose of my interaction was something a little more meaningful than bitching about how hard the exam was with fellow sullen sleep-deprived quasi robotic-state students. Okay take breath.

So it completely sucks living the life of Jodie Foster in Nell - even better that Liam Neeson does NOT come save me. At least I've been able to curb my exponential increase in food intake during my nigelness. It's amazing how fast time flies when the pressure is on to cram loads of useless crap in your head. There were mornings where I forgot to go to the toilet - I know! Impossible feat.

So yeah ... my fat cells are completely useless. You'd reckon that if your body was blessed with lots of fat cells, the least they could do is perform properly! How's this for 'I want a refund':

  • track pants
  • flannelette PJ top
  • thick wollen jumper
  • one of those sleeveless ski jumpers
  • knee high socks
  • pink bed socks
  • gloves
  • heater on
  • mickey mouse beanie (which may or may not be gay)

    and ... still too cold to sleep.

    Okay, must try and realign sleeping patterns so I can wake up for this damn exam.