Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Woah an entry ante-midday, must be an extra special occasion.
And indeed I have an extra special (in a sped kinda way) guest blog from Cumulus Nimbus/Uncontrollable Energy Boy Mr Craig Du Rieu. Not only is he half French-half Asian (so he reckons), an avid supporter of the Swans (he is on the Swans boards every bloody morning, even when the season is over ... can someone say STALKER!), he is also a very interesting character and a great buddy to work with. Though he does do rather weird things like coerce me to caress his arms after he goes to the gym (yeah you're such a tank Craig) and carry a huge-ass briefcase with nothing in it. Anyways over to you Craig:

Hello fellow nerds

This is my debut article on Marissa's Universe. Publicly Marissa labels me the 'Uncontrollable Energy boy' but secretly she calls me 'Mussels from Brussels'. Neither are correct, it's just that she is a bit mixed up. It's ok though, don't worry, we are working on it. You would be amazed what weekly therapy does.

Marissa is a lovely girl though. I have the pleasure of sitting next to her at work. She insults me almost everyday, but I know that's just affection. It is sad to see her leaving though as I will miss our daily discussions about the 'boards'. I will also miss the daily guessing competition of which man she will be with when downstairs having her coffee bludge. The posse has become folk law around the Deloitte traps and it never fails to annoy Marissa when we mention it. Though between you and me, I think she is pretty proud of having 5 guys competing for her attention!!

Many of you random internet people may not know this, but Marissa is a huge Swans fan. She has the whole kit, but special mention must go to her beanie. When Marissa decks out in her beanie the crowd goes wild, the boys flock and the swans generally win. Add her fan dango hand warmers and she is the perfect footy fan. I think this website needs a photo of Marissa and her beanie.

Marissa has been an inspiration to work with and is by far the most positive person I have ever met. If the worst thing happens, Marissa will make it seem ok. Someone stole her lunch once and her response was "well at least they won't go hungry".

On a final note, I have to give a mention to Dragon boats. Marissa is going to teach me how to be a dragon boat rower. Having seen Marissa's awesome coordination in almost any sport possible, I think she would really kick arse in this. I'm a bit scared of wearing the whole tight bike shorts but Marissa assures me that it's all ok.

Well this has been such a total random ramble. But seriously Marsy is a cool chick, who has an awesome sense of humour, great internet searching skills and will kick arse at selling phones at Telstra.

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