Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Updates Already ...

So it's been a while hey?
I am reflecting on the reasons behind this paucity of blog entries and here is what I have conjured:

  1. it hurts to reflect;
  2. it hurts others when I reflect;
  3. you won't get reflections unless there is sun.

Okay, I am really starting to question the quality of my entries of late.
I will have to stop relying on the 'Marissa-basketball-philosophy' i.e. style over substance, and start utilising alphabets instead of pixels.

So what springs immediately to mind? I'm better with headings:

FINALLY got admitted to the Supreme Court of N.S.W on the 8th October, but not without hitches. First, Wayne and Mindy arrived late when I specifically instructed them otherwise - then they tried to sit in the seats reserved for "movers" only. Good one! Then my 'mover' (my manager) was unexpectedly made to say my full name, which includes my chinese name. That's like asking an American to speak proper English. Then I had to bow in front of everybody, and I am never good with bowing. I have an awkward bowing motion - something for me to work on. Nonetheless, I had a good time feeling quasi-accomplished for 30 minutes.

3rd Degree Burn
I don't really know my burn degrees, but I'm assuming it can't be that much different to the classification of murders. In which case, 3rd degree murder is the equivalent to manslaughter - which is caused by negligence rather than actual intent. The point being that I burnt myself on a car exhaust the other day. Now I am fortunate enough to own a perfect concentric circle (tautology) on my right calf. It's like a UFO has mistaken my leg for a crop field, and left mysterious concentric patterns to mark its presence.

Under Dog
I think I have developed a habit of rooting for the underdog in all situations. I got to sit in on our P.A interviews the other day and when it came time to voice our preferences, I found myself inextricably supporting the candidate that had NO CHANCE. Yup she was a dog.
Same theory applies when watching movies - who cares about Charlie when Veruca Salt is truly the underdog in 'Willy Wonker and the Chocolate Factory' that will never get the sympathies of anybody. And can you really support someone who chooses to ignore filial obligations over patronage to some psychopath megalomaniac in Willy Wonker (i.e. when Charlie rejects the money to steal the recipe or whatever it was).

Seattle Storm Wins!
I was sitting in 'Cheers' bar watching the Storm take out Game 3 of the WNBA Championship, albeit without the luxury of any audio since there is this STUPID ASIAN MAN who is there watching the STUPID baseball every time there is a WNBA playoff game. He is always there smoking his stupid cigarettes and shaking his gay weedy legs. Grrrrr! Anyway, while I was watching Game 3, this man makes the dumbest comment: "I bet you that girl (he was referring to Sue Bird) is wearing that mask because she just had plastic surgery". I was a) appalled; b) offended; c) outraged at his obviously apparent stupidity. I quickly whipped around and said slightly curtly: "she broke her nose you dumbass" (except without the dumbass bit). Isn't it sick that people just assume that a girl would wear a face mask only for beautification reasons?
Nevertheless, I was very VERY happy when my team won! YAY!


  • Saw Open Water - but might as well have not seen it at all since I spent half the time watching the back of my eye lids.
  • There is a midget on The Amazing Race - it's fantastic!
  • My Samantha Jones workmate has seriously decided that she will not be wearing underpants when it's 30 degrees and above. This is why I am not going into her office today because I might just whiff things I don't want to whiff.
  • Happy birthday to Eric and YDG - edging ever so close to the child rearing age ;p