"Go Get Some Perspective"
A few of my closest friends have been imploring my conscience to "get some perspective". They haven't quite reached the stage of using starving kids of Ethiopia/Uganda or other such third world countries as comparators, but I sense that it may come to that soon through sheer exasperation.
I am grateful for having friends that have personas that are the direct antithesis to mine. I don't think I could ever be friends with myself. It would be a chore.
Went to the phsyio the other day. Turns out I need to get an xray of my neck - think he is concerned that the pain is still sticking around despite the passing of a year and a half. I am more concerned with the fact that every time I go to this physio, I am always ALWAYS wearing some dodgy undergarment. It's rather embarrassing. Just like that time when I was talking ever-too-loudly on the bus about something rather personal - the guy sitting in front of us turns around and says "you should make it into a movie".
I was mortified.