Every year, at around this time, this deceptively named blog gets a seasonal influx of visitors searching for Miss Universe goodies - thanks to the supreme filtering of the likes of Google. In an attempt to pacify the bitter disappointment from the realisation that 'Marissa' is not even a 3rd world country, here is my would-be contestant entry form (see template here):

National Costume

(yes it comes equipped with mini samurai swords tucked inside the headgear)
Evening Wear

What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
Self deprecation - because it's in the KS creed.
What do I enjoy doing the most? Tacking on "the most" and "the worst" to the end of every sentence.
Name one person other than your parents who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
Australia said David Attenborough (although he would be an excellent godfather)
Japan said Christiane Amanpour
Singapore said her mom (she obviously can't read)
Everybody else cited their grandmother
So I'm going to go with the Bee Gees because of their song "I started a Joke".
What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?
Most immediately, beating Cherie in the Corporate Games @ Thredbo this weekend. I plan to resort to unsavoury tactics, like strategically planting human distractions at each flag; and/or sabotage her board the night before the race.
If you want to buy photos or send me flowers, please forward them to Angela Asare (Miss Ghana/Miss Congeniality).
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