The novelty of birthday month is starting to wane - possibly a correlation with entering the post-25 era. However diminishing interest certainly not critical enough to stop extorting gifts. Har! 12th September folks!

As the above conveys, last weekend was spent at the snow where, amongst other things, the Modern Australian Woman lived on (with the aid of a board); I discovered "ahh the serenity" à la The Castle; I gained insight into just how much of a wally throwing action I possess (that 3rd frame is terrible muriel).
The snowboarding was good. Managed to take out a few people (including my own sister); managed to upkeep my excellent T-bar record of taking out whoever was fortunate enough to ride up with me (tried to 'molest' you Dougie, but you were too sturdy); managed to spend nearly an entire afternoon by myself after losing everybody (being nigelated is the WORST!); witnessed Malinda make the biggest fool of herself on the funbox (right underneath the chair lift ... muahhahah); managed to stuff both my knees, my right ankle and incur a few bumps on head. But as they say, no pain no gain. Though I'm not entirely sure what I gained - perhaps extra kilos from all that spicy spam for lunch.
Well New South Wales is suffering from 'premier' crisis at the moment. I discovered something quite exciting the other day. My cousin (who works for the NSW Labour Govt) happened to mention that Bob Carr (one of my all time fave polly) favoured the font 'bookman antiqua' in all his correspondence. And GUESS WHAT??!?!?! That's the font that I use! YAY! So glad that Bob and I are on the same wavelength, regardless of his maybe mail order bride. So apparently your choice of font gives an insight into your personality/character - graphology tweaked for the 21st century I guess. For example (as sourced from the internet):
I will soon have to start countdown to Europe trip ... woohoo
Further to above, Jay 'my body is a temple' Sun forwarded a very funny photo - sorry to do this to you Bob - but it cracked me up.