Time is of the essenceNotwithstanding the present exception of wasting time blogging at work (ack contradiction already!), the weekend proved that time is of the essence.
Normal Saturday routine comprises of midday wake-up, then mandatory kaya + peanut butter on toast, complemented with coffee + condense milk = YUM! Probably also tantamount to fat on thighs and bum. However, last Saturday required an early morning trip to Kerby - friend of Alan's and all things Honda. Eric if you are reading this, Prelude is still in good knick *why is my eye twitching uncontrollably*

(Here is Kerby fixing up my brake pads in my rear wheels) Had I stayed in bed that morning, I would have missed the opportunity of being enlightened re: Holden vs Ford. Did you know that Holdens are comprised of a mish mash of parts from a myriad of manufacturers i.e. you won't be able to go to a Holden dealer and ask for Holden engine. The treachery goes as far as the V8 supercars. Apparently Holden V8s use Ford components (I forget which ones, it got a bit too technical for me). This is why all the quality drivers have switched camps to Ford. So essentially what Holden have done is piece together various car parts and whacked a lion badge on the front. I am now a newly converted Ford fan, although I must commend the marketing department @ Holden for doing so effectively what they've been paid to do. Oh! And I also discovered that I have tools in the boot - enlightenment century!

Had I stayed in bed, I would have never met The Veronicas @ Hurstville shopping centre. Buggered if I knew who they are. Apparently they are twins and currently have a single titled "4ever". I always feel a twinge of sadness for the fatter/uglier twin - isn't it just 'unfairness' personified considering twins are supposed to be genetically identical. Some may be aware that I have a penchant for B-grade celebrities so joined the undersized, under-aged teeny bopper crowd - most of whom could sing 4ever word for word (way to go Kumon!). Also had the new Cajun chicken nuggets @ McDonalds (2 thumbs up) and assisted Sharlene pick out new mega stylo glasses (even though her ultimate choice was different to my selection).

Then it was time for touch footy near Haberfield, where random individuals were chasing after an 3D oval shaped ball - similar to how dogs behave but perhaps in a more co-ordinated fashion. Bec and Kathy's dogs were having a go at each other. Bec's dog (CoCo) was spewing everywhere, while Kathy's dog (Polo Bun) had a nuzzle on. He looked like the canine version of Hannibal Lector. I swear I heard him bark 'Clarice', or may be it was '(C)athy'.
While mulling around, the skyline decidedly metamorphosised within the space of 10 minutes. It's somewhat awe-inspiring to consider that time can move so swiftly and have such an impact on our environment - and meanwhile, we were still standing there ... doing nothing.

Had the (not so) pleasure of going to the Collector Hotel in Parra-doesnt-Matta on Friday night. Eclectic music, eclectic crowd, majorly seedy guys, big dance floor, cheap drinks. Probably won't revisit in the short-long term. Also visited the Roxy - that place has certainly changed since the last time I was there (in High School watching 'A League of Their Own'). The Roxy had 'Notes' printed on the back of their coasters, presumably to aid patrons in their spading activities. Could be an idea to get into the business of gimmicky coasters.