Let's start things off with a light-hearted activity shall we? Create a picture of yourself at dookyweb. Here is what I would look like in the cartoon world.
Hoorah! 40% assessable task complete! I can breathe the refreshing air of carte blanche (until Sad-Hurty anyway). Hey what do you think about: CRP 71C as a number plate for the non-existent car that I own? A bit gay? Perhaps ...
Speaking of GAY, I saw a book today titled "Her Scope - An astrological guide for lesbians". Can you believe it?!! *indignant* Since when did homosexuals work on a different horoscope system? Certainly not working towards their cause of being treated equally.
Last night we played in our semi-finals for touch footy. In what was a very solid game by our team, we nevertheless did not manage to come up with the "W". I've expressed this to a few people now, but I just don't seem to possess the compulsion to win anymore (except when I play Monopoly - you better lay off Park Lane & Mayfair). People usually give me this baffled look and respond with comments such as: "Isn't that what sport is about?" and "There's no point to doing things if you don't aim to win". These are all perfectly valid and reasonable justifications but they don't make an impression on me. The feeling of 'winning' only lasts for 5 minutes where you are engulfed with jubilance & euphoria, and the false sense of "I am the best, I am No.1". Losing involves a deeper, more cathartic experience. You are reminded that you can improve, that there will always be peers to test your boundaries, that the end result is never as important as the journey blah blah blah. I can only relate this to basketball. I don't go into each game thinking "I have to win". I am more than satisfied if someone dishes off a sweet pass, or if someone pulls of a move that makes me faint on the court. I would pick playing with people I enjoy over winning any day. Not that I am suggesting that I love losing all the time - of course not. I just see why the overarching aim should be to WIN WIN WIN.
Woah talk about diatribe!
Anyway, I woke up this morning with a bruised and unaligned jaw- ouchy! Fully smacked into this chick last night during touch. We were both running at full pace and typically, I was the only one that spun 18 degrees in the air and fell onto the ground in a praying position. And she was smaller and wore GLASSES! I've got Derryn Hinch written all over me i.e *shame shame shame*
Since I have started my new job, people now call me a different name behind my back. It used to be "Mad Dog", but now it's "just one more, and then I'm going home". How weird hey. Find out your nickname here. And my hip hop name is Missy Biggy Bastard Z - yeah word Homey G Funk!
PS: Big Brother is watching ... muahahahaahahah ;p
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