Rebex (it's all in the X ... much deadlier than RC) once drew this very very cool caricature of me (for my 21st invite actually). I had visions of turning that caricature into a global phenomenon (comparable to the Hello Kitty craze) but alas, luvoness is such an undesirable quality.
Was doing a bit of studying last night on "Professional Skills". Had to read this article about how the legal profession is notorious for using archaic language, illogical word order, complex grammatical structure and sentences of excruciating length. It then listed some bad drafting habits such as using synonym strings, doubling, passive instead of active voice etc etc. I think I am guilty of the entire list. This entire blog must be just completely WRONG. Perhaps this may be the reason why my blog is 21% EVIL muhahaha!
So what else has been happening? Some guy was fully bitching during mixed basketball just because I was 'tugging' his shirt. I say 'if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen'! Maybe he was just expressing his disgust at Cartoon-Marissa being non-placid. Well I don't care because he had B.O. Speaking of which (I do that too much), would you ever get up and walk away from your seat if the person next to you had bad B.O? At lunch today, I managed to sit next to someone with fairly bad B.O (perhaps I need to stop choosing the less-cooler types to sit next to). It was quite an ethical dilemma as the smell could have potentially put me off my food completely, however upping and leaving may have potentially hurt his feelings. Luckily for me, no such decision had to be made - he left about 7 minutes after I sat down. But it was touch and go for a few minutes there ...
Ooo ooo, got a bigger monitor at work! Woohooo .... thrills of the nation!
And 50 First Dates comes out today. Drew Barrymore is way cool. Here is the funniest quote from 'The Wedding Singer': "Julia's last name's gonna be Gulia. Julia Gulia. That's funny."
Am seeing an acupuncturist on the weekend. Hopefully he will relieve me from this bane of my life!
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