How could we resist the temptation of a work out with Billy Blanks and those super hardcore android-accompaniments. That poor Shelly, always made to count, while holding an imaginary cup on her hips, knees and ankles during the taekwondo kicks . My imaginary cup was plastic and disposable - less effort to hold up. It must have been a completely ridiculous sight; and we didn't even make it through the whole session. Taut abs, gluteus maximus' go begging.

March 2009 involved:
- dogmatic searches for 'signs';
- attempts at usurping fate via 20 cent coin tosses, which incidentally lands on heads 80% of the time;
- numerous poll-taking exercises with unsuspecting and kind volunteers/victims
- a few attempts at penning a predictive mathematical formula;
- some productive and unproductive discussions;
- last ditch, when all else fails tactics i.e. desperately seeking Dr Phil and Oprah.
March 2009 made sane with the help of:
- The movie: Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist - it has The Cure, an excellent soundtrack and 'geek du jour' Michael Cera - what else do you need?
- The book: Disgrace - how well does this guy write. Jealous.
- The fact: 79% chance that I will still be working when I am 37.
- Miraculous return of form of our basketball team with the help of Shaq Attack.
- Bragging rights for being equal winner at the Terry Hills driving range challenge.
- Good friends & family.
Shell(ie) was forced to count because she was his adopted daughter! She, now, also has a new workout video called Tae Bo Post-Natal Power (and no, that was not an April Fools' Joke!) :P