It's been a hectic, tiresome couple of week, JAM-packed (only one man would dare give me the rasberry, LONE STARR) with bday celebrations galore (spring fever babies), sojourning friends, golfing trips, touch football mayhem, and copious amounts of food and alcohol.
End result?
A significant impost on minimum sleeping requirements. But of course, all worth the sleep deprivation because it's been lots of fun in the sun ... but now I weigh a tonne.
The return of YDG (now full time magician) coincided with Sharlene's bday milestone, and Wayne's bday milestone (plus one). Such an auspicious occasion naturally warranted the revival of the KS GOLF CUP CHALLENGE @ The Vintage - Hunter Valley.

Foregoing previous team pairings of Pandemonium (YDG & I) and Perfect Pairs (Shar & Wayne), instead opting for new teams consisting of Sic Bo (Shar & YDG) and Caribbean Stud (Wayne & I - me being the stud of course ;p)
The prize?
Bottles of wine (of winner's choice) and the usual bragging rights.
We all started on par (oh the pun!)

... until Sic Bo found the rough

... and the double whammy sand bunkers. Poor SicBo, the bunkers were big enough to consume their self confidence.

... meanwhile Caribbean Stud was cruising along, casually wondering which semillion would go best with beef casserole dinner.

Caribbean Stud - winners! And unfortunately, the zero sum game of KS golf dictates, what was a fairly predictable outcome: SicBo - losers! Perhaps next time you should go with the name 'Two Up'. The added advantage may give you a fighting chance in KS GOLF CHALLENGE Mark II.
Before I sign-off, happy birthday all those Jun/Jul babies. I offer these pictures as proxy for your bday celebrations.

Yes, those bloody bunkers. I think SicBo gave Carribean Stud a late scare, with our comeback in the back 9. Perhaps we should've changed our name to 'Craps' but we didn't do too badly, and we're not even 50/50 enough to be called 'Two-up'. Perhaps 'Pokey Machine' would've been more suited, since we have more luck there, YDG can be Pokey, and I can be the MACHINE!!! Yeah! *flex* :D
ReplyDeleteAlso, your blog is soo biased!! As if you didn't end up in the bunker as well, nor did you fail to mention that Wayne lost 16 balls over the full 18 (sorry, Wayne, for bringing that up)
So, all in all, it was a close match, not a thrashing as implied by your blog.