Pub Motels are Hellacious!
Last weekend, our DodgeBall equivalent touch footy team travelled down to Yass for the Yass Touch Knock Out Competition. Prize money was on the line, but the closest we got to it was forking it out - with the help of Balmain Association. According to Census (thanks Kathy), Yass has a population of approx 9000+ and an overwhelming total of 3 Asians. It must have been the gold-rush days revisted when we sashayed in our Honda convoy into the one strip of road that is Yass.

If you ever stop by Yass, DO NOT STAY @ The Australian Pub Motel! HELLACIOUS:
1st room (#33) we walked into had only (stained) mattresses on the ground - no bed, no sheets no nothing!
Bearing in mind that it was stinking hot in Yass, the room I was in had no ventilation - and the tiny window was facing the air con unit from the opposite building meaning HOT AIR blowing in all night. I didn't get one wink of sleep that night.
Someone attempted to come into the room @ 3am. They were fiddling with the locks for a good 5 mins
Insects/bugs/fleas/cockroaches galore!
So my night in Yass was spent doing the combo of swatting away eeky things, wiping away sweat and crying tears (like Federer) of sorrow. I felt so sorry for myself. Luckily the rest of the team were just as traumatised so we promptly rang some apartment in Canberra the next day and booked accom for the next night - bless mobile phones!
I have a slight suspicion that it was originally advertised as $6 (which would be still an inflated price considering the quality) but some smart cookie decided to tack on a ZERO due to the influx of tourists that weekend. Unbelievably, the luxury accomodation in Canberra turned out to be cheaper than the Aust Pub Motel. This world is not making sense anymore.
The touch itself was enjoyable. We have improved as a team and I scored, not a try, but a nice golden tan. We managed to come 16th out of 32, which gave us the dubious privilege of playing the top team on Sunday morning. Definitely some dodgy draw rigging happening there. It was terribly hot both days. The heat was stifling. And as we left the grounds on the 1st day of competition, there was an announcement that the Australian Pub Motel had a couple of rooms available.
Photos of interesting and enjoyable weekend available here.