Tumultuous! Tumultuous! Tumultuous week!
And it ends perfectly with 3 days of attrition on the touch footy field where mutual feelings of enmity will be played out in 25 minute games (no stoppage). Was intending to go on a week long cleansing diet to prepare my desperately ineffectual body, but that ploy came to a grinding halt when someone baked cookies and Sesame Street decided to bring me the letters P M & S.
If only Van Nguyen was a woman, I think his pleas of clemency may have had better chances. With the recent upsurge in the newbread of sexy, minx-like female criminals, including Schapelle Corby, Michelle Leslie (with her new agent - see what crime can do for you) and that lesbian Bali 9 ringleader (who cares who the men were) - this trend may prove that it pays to be a female on the wrong side of the law.
Here is my paris picture