Abercrombie could not have crystallised it any better through its 'Spring Break' line. It's unbelievable the sheer number of people that are celebrating the anniversary of their birth during June/July. Wonder if foetal germination during warmer months has any consequences. Bygones.
Happy birthday to all you products of spring-time lovin'.
Two such individuals are: Sharlene & Wayne - two of my closest friends ever - happy bday guys! Not only do they love picking strawberries for me to eat (nothwithstanding the fact that they were MONGY strawberries) ...
... they also have the patience and kindness to deal with my eccentricities (i.e. crap). And for all you astute fruit picking readers, I do realise that strawberries do not grow on trees (maybe mongy ones do though).
Anyway, the card that we made for Wayne was so Wile.E.Coyote ingenious that I feel the need to share. This took many minutes of focused unsavoury thinking ... I have a slight suspicion that I am still the only one laughing.
Birthdays aside, I came across an article confirming that Eurasians are more beautiful than the average ham. Duh! I have to wonder about the utility of a research when the other 'scientific' finding was: "Eurasian features were not necessarily the most attractive of all. People also tended to prefer female faces with very feminised features." You mean guys don't find girls with chiselled jaws, facial hairs and an adam's apple attractive?
On the subject of attractiveness:
Rafael Nadal's three-quarter pants is NOT ON!
The bunching at the crotch is foul and impractical.