Hello World!
How have you all survived without the daily, sometimes triweekly Marissaisms? I dare to imagine that most have not even realised the departure of the fat-headed one. In fact, it was probably a welcomed break from all the Marissa-whinging. Ooo how many times can I fit Marissa in this paragraph? Ok enough luvoness.
Well this morning's entirety has been spent trying to exterminate and banish a crappy virus (or an ad trojan as Gregan technically refers to it as ... sif there is a difference?) from my P.C. OhMyGosh! The frustration! Compounding this frustration is the fact that our I.T department is just bloody hopeless. The camel's penis1 I was talking to last night spent 30 minutes only to come to the conclusion that I needed to run a virus scan! That's 30 minutes worth of whinging I missed out on! Surprise surprise the virus scan did jack shit and APU2 I had to ring my PITM3 - Gregan. Gregan, if you are reading this - you are an untapped genius! Thanks a trojanillion - har!
So the question remains, how did I inflict my P.C with such evilness? I suspect it was when I was looking up cheats for The Sims Bustin' Out. I think I am addicted to that game. I have downloaded and printed out pages worth of cheats & walkthrus. I am determined for my sims to have kids by the end of the week.
So let's recap last week shall we?
As some may know, I was in Queensland for the majority of last week. We stayed opposite Kirra Beach which is near Coolangatta. Kirra Beach is a sight to be seen - one of the most beautiful beaches I have encountered. The waves are perfect, the water was so warm, the sand was soft, crowd was minimal to none, and the beach itself is quite long. I had a ripper of a time, which makes the reality of work that much harder to deal with. Amongst the activities were:
Golf @ Brookwater & Royal Pines Resort
The former is designed by Greg Norman and the latter is the home of the Australian Ladies Masters - company I should really not be associated with. Nevertheless, managed to score a birdie somewhere in the 38 holes but ultimately was hammered by Sharlene and lost the stroke play competition4. Oh the shame! Monkey trophy slips through fingers again. But apparently it is being turned into the wooden spoon prize soon so I guess it's got my name written all over it now. Highlights were the GPRS system and the eski full of ice for your drinks on the golf carts ... and oh yeah my 8 iron shot on the par 3 - SO SWEET!
Movie World
All I can say is "Doo the Ride"! The Scooby Doo Ride was fantastic, possibly better than the Lethal Weapon Ride5. All the big fluffy cartoon characters were being mauled by crappy little kids, leaving no room for the older generation. It's not fair really ... I didn't get a chance to be felt up by Porky Pig as was the case the last time I visited Movie World. Found out the reason why people feel nauseous after rides is because of calcium deposits in their head.6 Highlight was trying to pull sped faces every time we go pass the camera on the rides. There were some CLASSIC shots!
After a torrid affair with the buffet (such a love/hate relationship) which left everybody feeling ill and nauseous (not due to the calcium build-up), we hit the casino to try and redeem the $$ we spent on golf. After a promising start (I think everybody was up at least $20), we all ended up losing money. Though I think I faired out quite well. I lost $100 on blackjack but made back $90 on the pokies with only a 20cent bet!
Big 2 and Beer
We consumed a lot of bottles of alcohol by the end of our trip, though I think Shar must have drunk half of it with the way she was swigging her beer. Had Big 2 tournaments every night and Ultimate Loser was either Fiona or Shar (the former by virtue of the fact that she really sux at the 5-10 game). Highlight was the CLASSIC borocca footage - will have to post some of them online - where you have to hold a mouthful of borocca + water without letting it dribble out. Very hard when everybody around you is cracking up.
Big Pineapple, Nostalgia Town
Funny how there aren't any pineapple products at the Big Pineapple. The business development person there should really look into that! Nostalgia Town7 was very gay! So much gayer than the Leylon Brothers if you've ever been there.
New bikini! New boardies! New wet suit top! 5% fatter! and 15% tanner!
New found annoyance for China-women in white jump suits with undies that are clearly visible, who don't shut up nor sit down during flights.
Miscellaneous Since Trip
Happy Birthday
Duane (13th April)
Mandy (15th April)
Le Chaddy (16th April)
1. Dude
2. As Per Usual
3. Personal I.T Man
4. Fiona and me vs. Sharlene and Wayne
5. which we sat on 3 times.
6. Refer to Dr Y.D. Goh.
7. or Nostaltragic Town as I call it.
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