There has been a deafening silence of late which must be filled with verbose crap poste haste.
Apologies for the lack of updates, but since the move to the dreaded 'open-floor plan' (accessorised with low partitions) I've had to be more accountable for my time, work and internet activity (since the entire floor has a bird's eye view of my screen now).
Where to begin? Well I just returned from a 10 minute massage session with the workplace masseuse and OHMYGAWD! Luckily he had one of those chairs where you squish your face in the hole, or else I would have been moaning away like a silly git. You know the other day when we were in a video conference, I saw myself on screen and I was shocked to see just how BIG my head is vis-a-vis the rest of my body. It makes me look like a child! And the big cheeks just adds to the BIGNESS of my head. And someone actually called me "button" the other day!? At first I thought it's because he couldn't recall my name but could it be because of my appearance?
It's been a week of rude males (again).
Rule Male Incident No. 1
As we were reversing into a car parking space outside Eric/Fiona's apartment, this man decides to stand right in the middle of it, supposedly because he was minding it for his work colleague (who had yet to arrive but when he showed up was on the wrong side of the road). At first Wayne tried to have a chat with him. Becoming increasingly impatient and pissed off at the situation, I jumped out of the back seat and intervened with the objective of speeding up the 'piss of stupid male' process. As predicted, he had the usual "I'm allowed to stand wherever I want on the road"; "you're not allowed to reverse into me" arguments. Initially I tried the respectful technique of addressing him as 'sir' and utilising logic, but obviously a discussion based on logic is futile when dealing with stupid males. We ended up resorting to the following points: "does that mean you can stand in the middle of George St since you're allowed to stand wherever you want on the road"; "does that mean that anybody can camp out on the street to mind parking spots". After some painfully obvious statements, he finally gave up and walked away somewhat disgusted. To make the point a little more cogent, I decided to walk across the street and mind an empty spot for his work colleague. But alas, the gesture was not appreciated and his colleague drove right past.
I'm kinda amazed he took me seriously considering I was wearing my beanie and bball gear (i.e. loser pet store). Goes to show that justice prevails even when you look completely disrespectable.
Rule Male Incident No. 2
Last week's touch footy game was marred by the following remarks between myself and bastard No. 7:
[Me on defence]
No.7: *whinges* (because I accidentally tipped him too hard - so he reckons anyway)
Me: "Stop bitching and play the game"
[Next set of attack - me of offence]
Me: "Watch the tits" (as he whacked me across that region pretty damn hard)
No.7: "Stop bitching and play the game" (in a mocking tone)
Me: "Wait til you have tits, then you can come back and say that to me"
[Later on in the game - talking to the referee]
No.7: "Sir, I think the girl in yellow shorts (me) has a problem"
Rule Male Incident No. 3
Same touch footy game. Equally as rude male but fatter and slower.
Rude Male: "Stop touching my balls"
He was clearly delusional and probably took up the sport because it has the word "touch" in it. Ok, a bit harsh but how offensive and disgusting is his suggestion? Makes me want to puke. This same guy had the balls to apologise after the game - should have really kneed him at that point. What an idiot! I cry "chivalry"!!
On completely different subjects:
On a major Felicity craze at the moment, which could explain my Felicity DVD watching long weekend. I forgot how much I love that show. Seriously need to purchase Season 3 and hopefully Season 4 will come out soon. This show really tugs at my heart strings and affects me in the most profound ways. Yeah lamo I know. And unlike shows such as Buffy & Alias, it is not completely devoid of reality - I mean, I could never really fall in love with a vampire ;p Ok, shall stop talking searchingly about this before I begin ranting on why they had to cancel the series - bastard males of network television!
Opals playing in a pre-olympics tournament this weekend. Am very keen on watching them, especially in light of the fact that Penny Taylor will be in town - woohooo! Can talk to her about Bunsen burners again. Can you actually believe that we discussed about bunsen burners last time we met? What the? I have no idea how it came up. Perhaps I can bring up the periodic table this time and how helium looks all alone in the right hand corner. Checked out the Opals' draw in the Olympics - they have a good shot @ the Gold this year.
Nice Japanese Waitresses
I don't know why but I have an issue with nice Japanese waitresses, especially the one on York Street. Every time I go to that restaurant, I get extremely upset and end up leaving the eatery depressed and lamenting on why she is smiling all the time. Is she truly happy? Is it a facade? I felt so bad one time that I left a note for her with the bill thanking her profusely for the wonderful & kind service. She came out running after reading it and smiled her gentle smile. That made me even more upset. Settle petal - need a grip on reality I think ...
Some results are out and woohooo - I got a H.D for one subject! More results pending.
Miss Universe
Couldn't resist the temptation of commenting on the 2004 pageant after viewing some weeks ago. First, the Australian delegate was so much more substandard than first imagined. Not only was she the only one without a degree, but her walk resembled that of Demi Moore's in 'Strip Tease'. But then, the most beautiful of the lot (Miss Paraguay) had this to say when asked which female leader she'd like to interview and why: "I am here in Miss Universe pageant as a finalist." What's going on? Do beauty and brains have to be mutually exclusive these days? Surely not with shows like 'Extreme Make Over' and 'Queer Eye'.
Development/career plan time - ackkkkkkkk. I wish myself mental health and a good dose of self esteem.
Okay long enough blog. Outtie ...
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